Owner version 37.2 2/93
Usage: owner [0x | $]address [0x | $]address ...
Owner is used to find the "owner" of a RAM or ROM address.
Onwer can find the "owner" or status (free) if the address is in:
Task Control Block
Task Stack
Public Message Ports
Messages on public ports
ROM Modules
Version 37.2 of Owner adds "SegTracker" support. If SegTracker
(now distributed with Enforcer) is running, owner can find the hunk
and offset of any address that's in any loaded code (process,
library, device, handler, etc.)
Owner can be used in conjunction with the "LVO" tool to find the
likely systen function containing any ROM address. This is very
useful if you get an Enforcer hit or Mungwall hit or crash at
a ROM PC address. Ose Owner to determine the ROM module
containing the adress, then give LVO the module name (example: intuition)
and the address (example: LVO intuition ROMADDRESS=0xnnnnnnnn)
Example usage of Owner
1> Owner 0x3297a6 0x329fea 0x2cc98b 0x292a55 0x208f42 0x272327
Address - Owner
-------- -----------
003297A6 - in MsgPort 003297A4: LOGHOST signals to
Process 0x00326998: ARexx - CLI ()
00329FEA - in MsgPort 00329FE8: LOGPORT signals to
Process 0x002DB470: ARexx - CLI ()
/* If SegTracker is running, can find in library/device/handler seglists */
00593A5A - in SegList of LIBS:test.library Hunk 0000 Offset 00000002
/* If in a Process seglist */
002CC98B - in SegList of Process 0x002CE820: FizEd Master Process
002CC98B - in MsgPort 002CC986: FizEd *PRIVATE* Port signals to
Process 0x002CE820: FizEd Master Process
00292A55 - in MsgPort 00292A50: Timer signals to
Process 0x002A9A50: PopUpMenu
00208F42 - in -TCB- of Task 0x00208F3E: trackdisk.device
00208F42 - in MemList of Task 0x00208F3E: trackdisk.device
00372327 - in FreeList
Converted using GuideML V1.6, a converter written by Richard Körber <>